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AFPHS Blog/Podcast
What’s Public Health Got to do With… Caregiver Support?
Home health and personal care aids were the largest occupation in the United States in 2023. However, in addition to paid professionals, the caregiver workforce consists of 53 million unpaid caregivers who provide support to loved ones.
AFPHS Blog/Podcast
What's Public Health Got to do With... Housing for Older Adults?
Among the many challenges faced by people growing older in the U.S., housing remains one of the most complex and costly. As people age, their income may be reduced, their mobility may decrease, and accessible and affordable housing stock is simply not widely available.
AFPHS Blog/Podcast
What's Public Health Got to do with... Academic Partners and the Age-Friendly Ecosystem?
One of the public health sector’s most valuable, yet often overlooked, partners in supporting healthy aging is academia. Colleges and universities, including staff, researchers, and students, can be great partners in bridging research and practice and offering a wide array of knowledge and resources that are crucial tools for promoting older adult health and well-being.
AFPHS Blog/Podcast
What's Public Health Got to do With... Aligning Healthy Aging with Health-Related Frameworks?
Supporting healthy aging is a complex challenge that requires coordination across disciplines.
Recognition Program
Two Public Health Institutes Achieve Age-Friendly Public Health Systems Recognition
Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) in partnership with the National Network of Public Health Institutes, is excited to share that two public health institutes – Kansas Health Institute and the Catherine Cutler Institute at the University of Southern Maine – have achieved recognition through TFAH’s Age-Friendly Public Health Systems Recognition Program